Services for living well
Alina Sosa-Perez, LCSW

A tree with leaves and flowers coming out of it.
3 Ways We’ve Come Along Way in Mental Health Awareness
It’s Mental Health Awareness Month and there is a lot for us to celebrate. ...
A man sitting at his desk with papers on the wall behind him.
Factors Associated with Burnout
Recent from Blog… PROGRAM OFFERINGS Relationship...
A man sitting on top of a rock in the middle of water.
Mindfulness Meditation
Meditation takes many forms, one of the most common meditation techniques is called mindfulness meditation....
A man and woman hugging on the side of a road.
Florida Premarital Course FAQs
What is the Florida Premarital Course? The Florida Premarital Course Statute outlines the standards a...
A woman with glasses is holding her hands to her face.
Managing Anxiety with Psychotherapy
Psychotherapists can provide individuals, groups or family members who are managing anxiety with the...
A man and woman hugging on the couch
Couples Therapy: Managing Expectations in a Relationship
Couples Therapy: Managing Expectations in a Relationship Often long before we begin a romantic relationship,...
A man and woman sitting on top of a couch.
Couples Therapy Method: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) consists of changing our thought patterns to those that create more...
A family of three walking on the beach
Finding Mental Health Well Being: A Self Care Transformation Guide
A pie chart with the words we are our own heads written in it.
Healing ourselves and using the personality chart
We are our own healers do not forget that! We are the light and the shadow and we often forget to love...
A woman sitting at her desk in front of a laptop.
Make a resolution to look after your mental health anytime of the year
As you are in a new year, many of us have made resolutions to improve various aspects of our lives. One...
A woman in purple shirt and blue skirt with hands on hips.

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